Frequently Asked Questions

01. Where is Ispire Technology’s corporate headquarters?

Our headquarters is located at 19700 Magellan Drive, Los Angeles, California 90502.

02. When was Ispire Technology incorporated?

We were incorporated in Delaware on June 13, 2023.

03. When did Ispire Technology go public?

We priced our initial public offering of common stock on April 3, 2023 at $7.00 per share and began trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker “ISPR” on April 4, 2023.

04. How can I purchase shares of common stock?

Shares of common stock can be purchased through the stockbroker of your choice.

05. Does Ispire Technology have a direct stock purchase plan?

We do not offer a direct stock purchase plan.

06. Who are the members of Ispire Technology’s Leadership Team?

You can view our Leadership Team and their bios by visiting here.

07. Who are the members of Ispire Technology’s Board of Directors?

You can view our Board of Directors and their bios by visiting here

08. Who is Ispire Technology’s independent registered public accounting firm?

MSPC is our independent registered public accounting firm. They have served in that role since 2022.

09. When is Ispire Technology’s fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year end is June 30.

10. How can I find Ispire Technology’s SEC filings?

Our SEC filings are available here. Additionally, all SEC filings can also be accessed directly from the SEC website.

11. Where can I find recent Ispire Technology press releases and latest news?

Our press releases can be found here and the latest news about us can be found here.

12. Does Ispire Technology pay a cash dividend?

We do not pay a cash dividend and we do not expect to pay any within the foreseeable future.

13. Who is Ispire Technology’s transfer agent for common stock and how do I contact them?

Our transfer agent manages and maintains the records of our common shares and can be contacted below: 

Vstock Transfer, LLC, 18 Lafayette Place, Woodmere, New York 11593, telephone (212) 828-8436.

14. Where can I find more information on Ispire Technology’s products?

Information about our products can be found by visiting here

15. How can I contact Investor Relations?

Please drop us a line by contacting us here:

16. If I have general questions regarding Ispire Technology that have not been answered, whom should I contact?

Please drop us a line by contacting us here: